Sherry Turkle - Connected but Alone

Turkle's message that technology is redefining how humans communicate with one another, she also talks about how cell phones are a major contributor to the change that current generations are facing within social interaction. One of the points she makes is that because of cell phones people find it difficult to communicate in person, and prefer to communicate online. I agree with this, I have noticed that many people will chose to text someone over calling them because there is no need to pay close attention to the conversation if it is via text message. I have also noticed and I am guilty of it also, that when people are out with a group of friends they will sit together but many of them are disconnected from the conversation and on their devices. Turkle talks about the many reasons why technology is so appealing to us, we have a constant way to communicate with people around the world. Countless technology users, use it as a way to connect with friends, catch up with old friends and meet new people with similar interests. One of her main points is, although we are connected virtually are we actually connected with people? Or is our technology isolating us. I think that having a constant distraction and escape on our phones could lead to isolation, lots of people will pick up their phones when the conversation is dry which can lead to them being isolated from the people they are with. The use of cell phones is going to continue to grow as technology further develops, I believe that in order to not become "alone" as Turkle says, it is important to not relay on a mobile device as a safety net. Reading Reflection: Alone Together by Sherry Turkle – rufuzafanafa
