Digital Detox

    I spend a lot of time on my phone, mainly on social media or messaging with friends. The digital detox was very difficult for me. I always have my phone on me even if I am not using it, so it became very tempting to pick up my phone to check for anything new on social media.  Half way through the day, I actually had to go and turn off notifications because I have an apple watch and get notifications from my phone sent to my watch. I personally text all my friends and family I never call them on the phone, so communicating with them through phone calls only, felt strange and frustrating. Not being able to use my devices throughout my day did force me to focus on other things. I find if I am able to be on my devices I tend to procrastinate other things I need to do. Taking a break from technology was challenging for me, but by the end of it, I felt like I had better control over my technology usage and I want to challenge myself to take more breaks from technology in the future. 6 Reasons Why You Should Try Digital Detox for Your Mental Well-being


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